
Sunday, October 25, 2009

An Amazing Godmother/Friend

I could not be happier about our decision to make Corinne the Godmother of Logan. For those of you who don't know her, she is the most wonderful person on earth. I'm pretty sure there isn't a mean bone in her body. She is kind, caring, compassionate and so smart. She always knows the exact right thing to say. She's hero!!!! Corinne lives in Virginia, about 5 hours away, but that has not deterred our friendship in any way. She has ALWAYS been there for me, especially when Logan was first born and I was so scared. Corinnes also a doctor, an EXCELLENT one, and she's always answering all of my medical questions. And, believe me, I have tons and tons.
Logan is so blessed to have Corinne as his guardian. I know that no matter what, she will always be there for him. She'll always love him, she'll always take care of him. Now, I do want to take a minute to say that her son, my precious godchild is also eat-him-up adorable. He has these huge brown eys, and this tuft of blond hair on his curios little head. I absolutely love hearing him talk to Corinne when we're on the phone, oh my goodness, the things he says!!! He cracks me up. I'm so beyond happy that Corinne, Mark, Danny and Natalie are soon moving back to Maryland because I know that both our boys and our girls will be best friends!!
Thanks Corinne for always being the best!!! I love you tons and tons and tons!!!

By Corinne Jackson

I am soooo proud to be the godmother to my adorable, sweet godson Logan. I
cannot wait to move back to Maryland and spend more time with him. I have loved
hearing about him (almost everyday) on the phone ‐ his accomplishments and just
the cute and funny things he does and says. I love bragging about him to my friends
and family – crawling, walking, and talking at impressive ages! Did you know he is
the most attentive and best listener in his preschool class?
Of course, I have loved every moment I have gotten to spend with him. My favorite
memory is when I asked for a hug and he stopped what he was doing and ran into
my arms. Couldn’t you just eat him up?
I have had a positive attitude regarding Down Syndrome for a number of years. I
had the privilege of babysitting for Julie, who also has Down Syndrome and now she
is friends with Katie and her family – small world! As a teenager babysitting for
Julie, I thought she was just a fun kid who liked to play with her sisters with a very
sweet disposition. So I just knew Logan would be OK from the day he was born and
look at how he’s thrived. Not only are Katie, Sam, and Maddie blessed to have him,
but look how lucky he is to have parents who are so enthusiastic, energetic, and his
biggest advocates.


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