So, I've been totally stressing about doing this ever since I signed up for it last night. What the heck am I going to write about for the next 31 days? I know, I know, Logan, right? The thing is, our world doesn't actually revolve around Logan just because he has Down syndrome. To us, he's just this wonderful, sweet, lovable little boy who nicely balances out the precociousness of his little sister. He's just a part of our family. Actually, I think that's probably the point of this blog challenge, to show everyone out there, that people with Down syndrome aren't really that different. My favorite quote, "they're more alike than different" from NDSS best illustrates how I feel about my little Logi Bear :) He's so much more like Maddie than he is different. And, every day Sam and I comment about how much Georgia is LIKE Logan (really, it's amazing how much she resembles Logan in both looks and personality...THANK GOD!!)
Anyway, I'm digressing, the point is Logan's just a little boy. He has blond hair, blue eyes, an adorable button nose and he also happens to have an extra chromosome which makes him EXTRA special.
So, this month I'll write some stories about Logan, but I'm also going to write about my beautiful little girls too, and my hubbie and my parents and grandparents and sibling and friends. I'll write about how all these people just love Logan for being Logan and how we all just accept him as a totally typical, absolutely perfect little boy.
Stay tuned!!! Hopefully I won't disappoint ;)
PS: Here's the highlight of my day so far, Logan just sat on the couch and read a whole book to Georgia. I didn't understand the whole story, but I heard, Jesus (Logan and Maddie are obsessed with Jesus which makes me feel SUPER bad about not taking them to church more often), Santa Claus, presents and "really cool." I guess it was a book about Christmas, whatever is was, Georgie was highly, highly entertained and giggled the throughout the whole story...happiness!!!!
Awww! Loved it!
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