
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

CDSPG Newsletter

Here's what I wrote for the CDSPG newsletter, there are some GREAT blogs listed below.

Every October I search for some inspiring way to celebrate Down syndrome Awareness. A couple of years ago, I ordered DS awareness bracelet for my family and friends, last year I posted daily facts about DS on Facebook. I really try to use the month to not only raise awareness about DS but also to raise acceptance. I feel like there are still so many people who are unsure of DS and “afraid” of people with Down syndrome. I’m sick of the sympathetic looks I get in the grocery story, or the sad smiles we see while strolling the neighborhood. I want everyone to know how much I love my precious little boy who just happens to have Down syndrome. I want everyone to know that I would not change a thing about him. I mean it, not ONE thing!! To me, Logan is absolutely perfect just the way he is.
Anyway, this year I was told of the 31 for 21 blog challenge. This blog challenge was created several years ago by Tricia Rogalski, mom of 3 year old Georgia (DS) and 1 year old Rainer. This was a truly, truly inspired idea. Tricia has rallied her friends, from around the country, to blog for 31 days, the month of October, about their lives with their children, spouses, pets, friends, and, of course, the underlying theme, Down syndrome.
All of these stories are beautiful. Even the every day ones are beautiful because they are all so NORMAL, which is exactly the point. I could get lost in all of the stories, as it stands, I’ve already spent hours and hours pouring through the list I’ve been given. The reason that all of them are remarkable is because of the huge amount of love that seeps from each of the stories. It’s amazing how engulfed one can become by reading just the first sentence of their stories, or looking at all of the beautiful pictures.
I took a different approach to my blog. I’m not much of a writer, and I talk about Logan A LOT, so I asked my family and friends to talk about him instead. I wanted to know their opinion. I wanted to know how they have changed since knowing him. Most importantly, I wanted them to share with the world how their perception of people with DS has changed since knowing Logan. So, on the night of September 30, 2009, I sent an email out to all of my friends and family asking for their help. Here’s what I wrote:
Okay, so, here's the thing. I know so many of you already do so much for us and Logan and Down syndrome awareness. But, it's DS awareness month and one of the most wonderful ways to help spread positive awareness of DS is by people who don't have children with DS. Right? Of course, parents of children with DS love them and enjoy them, all parents know this. What we're afraid of, when they're first born, is how other people will treat our children. I know, from all of you telling me, that Logan has completely and totally changed your perception of people with disabiliites. So, when I heard of the 31 for 21 blog challenge I got this idea. I could EASILY write about Down syndrome for 31 days, but that would be boring. Everyone knows how I feel. What I thought would be really inspiring is to have you all write about it. Wouldn't that be more fun? My idea is to have all of you write one "blog" a day. It could be a sentence, paragraph or full-on essay. Each day I'll post a different story. I think this could be really powerful. I hope you'll join me. Check back tomorrow to see if we've got any biters.
Thanks guys. Love you all :)
The response I got was truly amazing, breathtaking, remarkable. The stories my friends and family wrote made me cry every day for the entire month.
So, please take a moment to check out our blogs (or a couple of hours if you get sucked in like me). You will not regret it!

Enjoy the snow :)


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