
Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I didn't get to this today.  Today was a busy day.  It was the only day this week that Logan and Maddie have school so I had to do a lot of errands while they were there.  Then we had lunch with Lulu and Darbs, then we came home and I realized my house is a disaster zone.   Now, I literally have 5 minutes until I leave for work.  HOwever, I promised to do 31 entries this month, and I'm going to do it!!!

I did want to share a quick story that brightened my day yesterday.  I decided to take the kids to get their pictures taken yesterday.  I hired an awesome, excellent photographer, dressed the kids in their BEST clothes, packed oodles of delicious, super yummy snacks, and off we went.  All the way there, I was trying to build it up (particularly to Maddie) about how great it was going to be, we were going to be like models.  To Maddie, I said, "You're going to be a beautiful princess, just like Ariel."  She was pumped.

Then we got there and she froze.  She could NOT make herself smile.  Seriously, it would have been hilarious if I hadn't been so pissed.  She wouldn't even LOOK at the camera.  I tried everything, "pizza for dinner, ice cream for dinner, McDonalds for dinner, lollipops for dinner, a new princess movie, ANYTHING YOU WANT!!!!"  I was also trying to be nice in front of the photographer, but on the inside I was screaming, "Ahhhhhh....JUST SMILE"  I even started talking to her through my teeth, you know, so the photographer wouldn't here my threats..."you get over there and hug your brother and sister or else....."

Anyway, it didn't work.  She just kept staring blankly at the camera, then she gave up and just frolicked and skipped around the field while Logan and Georgie laughed and cooed for the camera.  We finally got one picture with Maddie and she ended up growling at the photographer.  Nice manners, huh?

On the way home she was in a delightful mood, talking about how great it was to be a model.  WTH?!?!?  I thought it might be a good opportunity to talk about how it's not really nice to growl at adults.  I was going on and on and on about how we should try to be nice to grown-ups, and really all kids, and blah, blah, blah.  And she was totally not getting it.  Apparently, she likes to growl at people and why should she be nice to people anyway?  This went on and on and on, and I could tell Logan was getting irritated with us because he wanted to watch the Transformers movie I had put on for him as a reward for being so good.  So, Maddie's questioning me, and I'm trying to explain WHY she should be nice to people and all the sudden Logan blurts out, "because it makes everyone happy!!!!" 

Silence in the car.  I was stunned silent because, duh!!!!, that's exactly why you should be nice to everyone and Maddie was stunned silent because it made sense to her.  She goes, "Oh, I like to be happy.  Okay, Logan, I'll be nice from now on."  End of discussion.

Thank God for Logan, you know.  He's totally going to keep this family in line for the rest of our lives.  He just gets life, plain and simple.  He's one amazing kid (although sometimes a pain in the butt).  Very insightful though :)

Also, please, please, please read this tomorrow and Thursday as we have 2 really great posts coming up!!!

Enjoy your rainy Tuesday:)


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