
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Time Flies

So, today I finally got around to taking our Christmas cards down.  Every year, as they come in, I hang them around the kitchen because they're all so beautiful and my kids love to look at their friends.  However, having already packed away all other Christmas stuff, I felt this was next on the list.  And, I'm also majorly purging all "junk" we have in our house because I can no longer stand the clutter!! Ugh, it drives me crazy.

Anyway, I'm taking down the Christmas cards, and it occurs to me that most of our cards have picture of KIDS on them, not babies.  Our wall used to be filled with babies, not kids.  The first one that struck me was Carter and Brooks, oh my word!!!!, they're pretty much all grown up (at the ages of 4 and 2), and Colin, he looks like a teenager to me (even though he just turned 4) and Declan and Mac!!!  Weren't Logan and Declan JUST born?!?!?!  What the hell?  I'm looking at the Nicholas clan and it occurs to me that Jen and Brian just celebrated their 10th wedding can that be?  Wasn't it just yesterday that I was laying in bed, totally hung over, from having the time of my life from one of the best weddings ever?!?!?!?

Then I see the cards of people who have kids my kids ages, Danny and Natalie, Graham and Jane, Patrick and Ryan...if these kids look big and grown up to me that can only mean one thing....MY kids are growing up.  THAT I do not like.

I love this snuggly stage where everyone loves everyone else (particularly ME) and we all get along and we're happy and there's no friend drama.

I realized today, I need to cherish these days, they are certainly limited.  I don't want to spend my time cleaning out closets and making homemade, gourmet, super healthy meals anymore.  (Actually that was a bit of a lie, I don't make gourmet meals, nor are they actually super healthy, but I ALWAYS think about making those types of meals.)  I'm going to try and stop pressuring myself to have the perfectly clean house, with the perfectly organized closets and try and spend more time with these little monsters who seem to be growing up right in front of my eyes.

When we came home from school today, it was freezing in my house.  The reason being I was sweating this morning trying to get all 3 kids out the door so I hastily turned off the heat, cursing it under my breath for making my house so darn  Anyway, it was so cold, that instead of rushing in to have lunch we all piled on the couch and snuggled under a blanket until the heat kicked in.  And I heard some GREAT stories about school that day.  Awesome, hysterical, probably totally made up stories about school.  I loved every minute of it.

It finally hit me, this was going to be my New Years Resolution, which I don't usually have, but how much longer are my kids going to want to snuggle with me on the couch and giggle with each other.  Screw the closets (for now), I'm going outside to play with my kids!!



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