
Thursday, January 6, 2011


I just want to say that, while it really is super fun to just blow off ALL household chores to play with the kids, it's actually not that great of an idea. 

First of all, people get hungry when you don't make them meals, which makes them cranky and kind of annoying and not fun to play with.  Also, the kitchen sink is only so big, therefore, you have to actually clean the dishes, put them in the dishwasher or let them pile up around the counter (which doesn't look very nice)

Also, these kids get frustrated when they can't find a toy that they want, which they can't when thousands of toys are scattered haphazardly around the house.  Someone (me) needs to organize these toys.

Furthermore, laundry absolutely HAS to be done.  People need clean underwear :)  You know?

So, I'm going to amend my resolution to saying that I'll make an effort to spend more quality time with the munchkins.   No longer am I going to spend ALL my time with them :) 

And, to tell you the truth, I think I was getting on their nerves anyway, so I'm sure they're just as happy about this amendment as I am.


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