
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Potty Training and Other Stuff!!

So, this is definitely NOT a post for people who don't have kids or who have never potty trained.  If you read it, please be warned, it might be a little gross to you!!.

The other day, Maddie approached me and said that she would like to wear underwear now.  Oooooookay, she's 2 and I've been asked her about this for 6 months and she's flat out refused to use the toilet.  But, apparently now she's ready.  And, boy oh boy, is she ready.  She literally put on underwear the other day and hasn't looked back since.  Now, she did have a few accidents when our poor, sweet, saintly babysitter was here today, but other than that I would call her potty trained.

To tell you the truth, this irks me a bit.  Why?  Because it's literally taken me YEARS to potty train Logan.  YEARS!!!!  I started when he was 3 and now, at 4.5 he's probably about 90% done.   But, it has not been easy, it has not been without tears and really, really hard work and a lot of frustration.  Potty training Logan was perhaps one of the hardest things I've ever done in my life.

However, I seem to say that a lot when it comes to things we've taught Logan.  For example, it took me months to get that child to use a straw.  He finally "got it" when he was about 9 months old and I coined that particular accomplishment, "my greatest feat EVER"  Haha, I was a little naive and way over dramatic (some might say I still am).  Anyway, that was before the walking challenge.  Logan took his first step when he was 13 months old, walked 5 steps when he was 18 months old and started to really waddle when he was 20 months old.  It took him a looooooong time.  But, that's life with Logan. 

Things take a little longer and are a little more challenging.  BUT, the most amazing thing about Logan is that he always gets it.

The other day I watched my little Georgie roll across the floor to get a toy.  I kinda felt sad about it because I wasn't prepared for her to do it.  I didn't anticipate it because I hadn't been "working on it" with her.  All my friends who have kids with DS will understand that.  We "work" on everything with our kids.  It's awesome a lot of the time because they always get it, and it's such a great accomplishment.  But, it's still hard to get there. 

The other day my niece asked me when babies usually crawl, and I went into this long story about the first time Logan crawled, I'll NEVER, EVER forget that minute as long as I live.  He was 10 months old and it was Easter Sunday.  It was the best day.  Then she said, "when did Maddie crawl?"  I floundered a bit.  "Ummmmmm, ummmmmm"  My sister-in-law giggled because she gets it and she saved me by saying something like, "Oh you always remember when your first does something."  But, truthfully, I have NO IDEA when Maddie crawled.  How terrible am I?!?!?  But, it's because she probably did it one day when I wasn't looking.  When I didn't anticipate it would be happening. 

Anyway, what is the point of this very long, drawn out blog?  I don't know.  Ha ha.  It just has occurred to me lately that people always say how great it is when our kids do something, but I don't think people often talk about the time and patience it takes to do teach them.  It's tough a lot.  And, it's not just tough for us.  Lots of moms struggle to help their kids with all sorts of thing.  It's really hard to be a mom!!!  It really is.  So, I think the purpose of this blog is to say "Go Moms!!!"  All of the moms I know totally, totally rock.  You keep on doing what you're doing.  And, one day, when your kids are older, they realize how great you were.  Just as I appreciate how great my mom is today.

Love you mom and all my other mom friends :)



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